Monday, July 12, 2010

Beard Update - Week III

Week III may appear the same as Week II, I'm not all that sure. My facial hair isn't really sure of what to do after three weeks of not seeing a razor, so I'm pretty sure it's just gone on strike...

Week III


  1. Hahaha, it doesn`t look the same as Week II to me. But get that hair to the bargaining table! Who let them unionize anyways? Damn socialists (area relevant pun intended)
    I`ve been reading whenever I can, keep being awesome! I`ll try to make my blog posts as good as yours... you`d think after all the VPA practice I`d have it down... ;)
    Take care!

  2. Week III is the test of your will (will you or won't you shave ;-})). Keep with it- sooner or later those random hairs will get the idea and will lay down and be good. Cheers- D.
